story about my life

life is very interesting n wonderful. there are numberless beautiful n attractive things. they make life interesting, meaningful n attractive. but there are many things also which are ugly n annoying. thus, life is a mixed affair. it is full of sweet, enjoyable n beautiful things. at the same time there are sufferings, diseases, troubles n tears. there are many things i like n many others which i dislike n hate. but all of this increase my knowledge n experience about my life.

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selamat sejahtera semua.. ^^     mari la singgah2    

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Wednesday 24 July 2013

resepi macaroni cheese


1. macaroni (satu pek)
2. cheese
3. susu creamer (setengah tin)
4. daging kisar ramlee
5. butter 
6. telur 2 biji


1. mula2 rebus macaroni sampai lembut dan toskan. ambil butter dan gaulkan sekali dgn macaroni.
2. ambil susu creamer dan kacaukan bersama2 dgn telur dlm satu bekas. 
3. ambil butter sedikit dan sapukan pd loyang.
4. letakkan macaroni, daging kisar dan keju secara berselang seli sampai penuh.
5. tuangkan susu creamer bersama telur yg dipukul td dlm loyang.
6. bakar pd 170 degree selama 30-40 minit.

done :)

bagi ZOOM sikit =B

♥♥ terima kasih sudi membaca ^^ ♥♥

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